May Allah’s Blessings be upon Muhammad and his Household!May Allah hasten the arrival of Imam al Mahdi!

“May Allah’s Blessings be upon Muhammad and his Household!
May Allah hasten the arrival of Imam al Mahdi!”
It caught my attention. It is placed on the wall of the lift in Masjid Imam al Hasan al Askari, Peace be upon him, in #Lebanon. Good to spread the idea. It helps let people waiting get calm. Good to place it next to ring bell.
I clicked one on behalf reciting the blessings and supplication. #1959
I clicked one on the behalf of my subsecribers, followers and readers ☺️ #1960
“اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد وعجل فرجهم” عداد وجدته قرب المصعد، مسجد الامام الحسن العسكري سلام الله عليه. جيد ان تنشروا الفكرة وتعتمدوها. #هدوء #انتظار #تأمل

I greeted Supreme Lady Fatima, Peace be upon her and recited dua for our relief, and the relief of the entire humanity.

By InJournalist

#ShareHumanity #HappyTidings 🎥

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