WHAT MAINSTREAM MEDIA DON’T TELL YOU ABOUT #VictoriousYemen | #اليمن_منتصرا


Yemen victory and its complete liberation of the last stronghold of Da’esh and Al Qa’eda is encredibly powerful and strategic to the entire region and a defeat to the series of the American and Zionist schemes.

“‏يُعد الإنتصار الكبير والإنجاز العسكري والأمني على عناصر القاعدة وداعش في محافظة البيضاء انتصارا مهما واستراتيجيا ليس لليمن وحسب بل للمنطقة وكل الدول التي تنتشر فيها هذه العناصر التكفيرية. كما أنها خسارة للمشروع الأمريكي الصهيوني.”



Victorious Yemen attacking stupid Saudi Arabia, the kingdom of evil.

No breath.

‏يقال انه مطار ابها قبل قليل






The seventh district of Marib governorate has been liberated from the US-UK-SAUDI-UAE mercenaries including Al Qa’eda & Da’esh terrorists.
Remaining are 7 districts only.!




Yemeni_idps_lives_matter https://t.co/oOGU9kro0g


With God’s grace and generosity, the propelled Yemeni Air Force carried out a wide-scale attack against Abha International Airport at dawn with several of Samad 3 drones. The strikes were accurate, thanks to God.

This operation is in retaliation to the continued escalation for aggression and continued blockade against Yemen.
Our operations are ongoing as long as the aggression and blockade are taking place.

بعد وصول قواتنا الى مدينة #مأرب منظمات حقوقية ودولية تطالب بهدنه انسانية



بعد وصول قواتنا الى مدينة #مأرب منظمات حقوقية ودولية تطالب بهدنه انسانية

ما يسمى بمنظمات حقوق الانسان والمنظمات الانسانية التي فشلت بانهاء حرب الست سنوات والحصار المطبق على اليمن تهرع اليوم فقط بعد سيطرة الجيش اليمني سيطرة كاملة على مارب متوسلة وقف اطلاق النار. لماذا؟ لصالح من؟

The so called “#humanitarian” & “#human_rights” #INGOs failed to end the 6 year period of war as well as the complete blockade of #Yemen NOW RUSHED begging a #CEASEFIRE just following the Yemeni army retaking a full control of Ma’rib, which used to be the last stronghold of Da’esh & Al Qa’da, WHY? For WHOSE SAKE?

$28 million fund 4 #Yemen. Yemen asks where the money goes & why INGOs are NOT publishing their periodical financial reviews.

@WorldBank @WorldBankLive @WorldBankMENA

World Bank removes from its website the monthly report on the financial situation review on #Yemen after publishing it.

‏موقع البنك_الدولي يحذف تقريرا عن المستجدات الاقتصادية في اليمن لشهر يوليو / تموز 2020 دون توضيح السبب


‌‎اليونيسف ولا كتاب عن اليمن

INGOs are NOT publishing their periodical financial reviews.

‎@UN ‎@antonioguterres ‎@UNarabic ‎@UNJanKubis

No books on ‎#Yemen https://t.co/BiAT06I5KU‎

Mainstream Media are NOT reporting the successive victory of Yemen against the US, UK, KSA, UAE and Israeli aggression

@UN @antonioguterres @UNarabic @UNJanKubis
@UNDPYemen @UNGeneva @OSE_Yemen @SDGaction @SDGMediaZone @IOM_Yemen @Together2030 @WHOYemen @ICRC_ye @msf_yemen @UNICEF_Yemen @wikileaks @Save_GlobalNews @guardian @UN_News_Centre @Oxfam @EmpireFiles @JapanGov @TaraOGrady

@WorldBank @WorldBankLive @WorldBankMENA removed July report from its website.
@UNICEF NO books on Yemen on its #app https://t.co/BiAT06I5KU

“‏ماذا لو تحولت فلوس المنظمات إلى مشاريع حقيقية!!
28 مليار دولار إجمالي ما إستلمته المنظمات الدولية العاملة في اليمن خلال خمس سنوات.”


‌‌‎@WorldBank ‎@WorldBankLive ‎@WorldBankMENA

موقع البنك_الدولي يزيل تقرير المستجدات الاقتصادية في اليمن لشهر يوليو دون توضيح السبب….


‌‏⚫️ موقع البنك_الدولي يزيل تقرير المستجدات الاقتصادية في اليمن لشهر يوليو دون توضيح السبب….

📡💰اخبارالاقتصادية 💰📡 https://t.co/UPFo6yTvgU‎

‌‎اليونيسف ولا كتاب عن اليمن

‎@UN ‎@UNICEF ‎@antonioguterres ‎@UNarabic ‎@UNJanKubis
No books on ‎#Yemen https://t.co/BiAT06I5KU‎ https://t.co/JV0K6xjQVc‎

Victorious Yemen has been decorating its blessed victory over the last six years defeating a world oppression consisting of 24 countries on top of which are the warmongers #USA, #UK, #France #KSA, #UAE #Qatar and Israel embedding their mercenaries which they formed under the umbrella of Al Qaeda and Da’esh.

On parallel, #Iraq has been also been innovative in its victory against #US and its mercenaries Da’esh. #US troops in Iraq have always been easy targets for the domestic resistance since the war on Iraq launched under tens of lies. The troops are under heavy attacks from near range. Among the targets there is the head of the snake #USEmbassy. #US military columns are under constant attacks whenever wherever they appear. #AmericaNeverGreatAgain today #DumpTrump wants to reduce troop levels in Iraq to 3,000 out of the officially announced number 5.500 soldiers. But the embassy itself deploys another 5.500 military staff. Not considered civilians as they are in a honey moon there.

DumpTrump also wants his troops back home leaving #Afghanistan.

Good bye America.
We are declared victorious defeated the terrorism you imposed in our region. You and your mercenaries of Al Qaeda and Da’esh have all been defeated.

In #Lebanon, Israel is trying by all means to drag the country to a war but failed and deterred.

China will take care of America in the next chapter.

The allied resistance in the entire Muslim countries will take care of Israel sending its settlers in coffins from the Diaspora they come from.
Israel and Da’esh are the same with regards to history, present and future. They both have the highest bloody and criminal reports in the world killing even the infallible Messengers of Allah and who dares to kill people of a lofty and divine status, does dare to kill and other people and thus makes a full record of anti-humanity crimes.

The International Court of Justice is breaking the silence and has started holding US accountable for its troops serious violations in Afghanistan.

Ordinary people in the region are determine to let US and its puppet Israel to pay the cost of the bloodshed and destruction it has been making since Sykes–Picot Agreement offering Palestine to Israel and establishing the rule of Al Saoud in the Arabian peninsula and Wahhabism as an alternative to the Islam of Prophet Muhammad.

The End.
New Chapter free from your terrorism and misleading.








By InJournalist

#ShareHumanity #HappyTidings 🎥

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